Honouring the Journey of Love.

I love the stepping stones of revelation that seem to have found their way through the generations and denominations.  The elements of truth that have been carried on the currents of time that seem to culminate in pools of ‘Aha’ moments lead us to muse together on the goodness of God.  Beginning at the garden where Adam and Eve first dwelt, where freedom and relationship reigned, the rivers of His love began to flow through History, creating various junctions of revelation for His sons and daughters… through the tents of Abraham… winding it’s way through the wrestling of Jacob… and flooding Moses with insight at the burning bush.

This river of life continued to flow with an urgency and force, propelling it through the ages, ushering in the solution for sin once and for all… and as Jesus walked on this earth, showing us in bodily form the heartbeat of His Father for us, the waters of acceptance became possible for all mankind.  On and on the waters have flowed, finding its way through many revivalists, leaving various denominations in its wake. It is interesting that this river of life has not dwindled over the years. but rather has gained momentum as it is driven by such purpose and love, seemingly intent on the ultimate destination; coming full circle to the headwaters of the throne of God.  In this place the restoration of Eden is evident… in this place the crystal clear water of life is celebrated, and the revelation of love is complete.

As Jake Hamilton so aptly states… ‘What began in the garden will end in the garden one day’! How beautiful it is to know that the God of the Universe always carried Love as His banner, always had relationship in mind, and is constantly wooing us in a pursuit of love that can only be translated in the context of His Kingdom.  For this Kingdom is surely a place of gentleness, where creation identifies and submits to the tender dominion of sons and daughters who know who they are.  Just as a dog knows the loving touch of his master and would do anything for him, so creation finally starts to realize the presence of leadership and relaxes into the safe embrace of belonging.

To understand that every person on the planet throughout all time has, and has had the opportunity to be carried along on this current for the season of their lives is incredibly enlarging.  But it also leaves one with a lingering thought… that the depth of beauty that flows under the surface of this river is longing to be discovered, and when it is, the celebration that goes with the identification of personal loveliness is not only amazing, but carries an urgency within it that the world is desperate for.  The ripple effect of this ownership of love is going to break the banks of restriction and flood its surroundings with peace.

There is an irony to this picture however… for the very banks that were necessary to ensure the emergence of love from one generation to the next have been crying out for a saturation that can only happen through the realization of identity.  As the church steps into her bridehood and allows herself to be enraptured by her own beauty this will surely be the result.

So we speak tenderly to Jerusalem… we speak blessing and adoration, gentleness and beauty.  We open our hearts to the transparency of His presence, and we see the waters of the river of life permeate our beings, our environment and our world.



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